2008-02-19 9:37
8,7 KB
SOS2_01 Agenda Final Version.doc
2008-02-19 9:37
45,5 KB
SOS2_02 _Karl-Heinz_Rosenbrock_ETSI.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
83,5 KB
SOS2_03 Wen_Mengbin_CCSA Views On IPR Policy.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
117 KB
SOS2_04 D_Penkler_HP (2).ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
129,5 KB
SOS2_06 Standards_and_IPR_Xue_Xuetong_Electronics_Standardization_Institute.doc
2008-02-19 9:37
44,5 KB
SOS2_07 IPR_issues_in_standardization_communication_from_people_republic_of_China.pdf
2008-02-19 9:37
83,6 KB
SOS2_08 E_Nied_Intel's_views_on_IPR_in_Standards .ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
551 KB
SOS2_09 David OByrne GSMA IPR.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
93,5 KB
SOS2_10 De Vriendt - eGovernment - From interoperability to collaboration.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
3023 KB
SOS2_11 OMA-Presentation-for-ETSI-SOS-IOP-meeting.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
1013,5 KB
SOS2_12 Antocicco - At the end of the line there’s always a user .ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
96 KB
SOS2_13 ANSI Views on open standards.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
343,5 KB
SOS2_14 David_White_Interoperability_and_Standards.doc
2008-02-19 9:37
51,5 KB
SOS2_15 Baechtold_WIPO.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
124 KB
SOS2_16 Track1 - Interoperability - Breakout Report.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
144 KB
SOS2_17 Track2 - Open standards - Breakout Report.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
105 KB
SOS2_18r1 Track3 - IPRs in Standards - Breakout Report.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
91,5 KB
SOS2_19 Track3 - GuidePack.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
96 KB
SOS2_20 Closing session Report.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
88,5 KB
Welcome slides.ppt
2008-02-19 9:37
135,5 KB