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2008-05-30 12:28
1751,3 KB
GSC11_IPR_01 DRAFT Agenda.doc
2008-05-30 12:28
66,5 KB
gsc11_ipr_02 Review of GSC-10 IPR working group.ppt
2008-05-30 12:28
62,5 KB
gsc11_ipr_03 Overview of the TSB Director's Ad Hoc Group on IPR.ppt
2008-05-30 12:28
193,5 KB
gsc11_ipr_03r1 Overview_IPRAdHoc_26_May.ppt
2008-05-30 12:29
193,5 KB
gsc11_ipr_05 Towards common ITU-ISI-IEC IPR Policy.ppt
2008-05-30 12:29
95,5 KB
gsc11_ipr_05r1 Common Policy_26_May 06.ppt
2008-05-30 12:29
72,5 KB
gsc11_ipr_06 Report from the ETSI IPR policy review ad hoc group.doc
2008-05-30 12:29
94 KB
gsc11_ipr_06r1 Report from the ETSI IPR policy review ad hoc group.doc
2008-05-30 12:29
98,5 KB
gsc11_ipr_06r2 Report from the ETSI IPR policy review ad hoc groupBIs.doc
2008-05-30 12:29
98,5 KB
gsc11_ipr_07 IPR Issues.ppt
2008-05-30 12:29
87 KB
gsc11_ipr_08 Status of TTC IPR related activities.doc
2008-05-30 12:29
51 KB
GSC11_IPR_08a1 TTC policy-march 2006.pdf
2008-05-30 12:29
22,3 KB
GSC11_IPR_08a2 TTC procedures march 2006.pdf
2008-05-30 12:29
51 KB
gsc11_ipr_09 SOS3_Rene Bourbon_EPO_Standards as Prior Art at the EPO.ppt
2008-05-30 12:29
1649 KB
gsc11_ipr_10 ANSI ActivitiesRelatedToIPRandStandards.doc
2008-05-30 12:29
152,5 KB
gsc11_ipr_11 Open_standards_by_ITU.doc
2008-05-30 12:29
33,5 KB
17 items.